Apologes for the order of the minutes, this is currently being edited.

Minutes of October Meeting 2007

Attendance: Fran Markotic, Claudia Hodds, Graham Hedley, Clive Blackmore, Mark McLauchlan, Drew Thomas, Carole Manning PCSO, Doug Chisholm, Sharon Draper, Mary Carter, Joan Whalen,
Apologies: Sue Gibbs, PCSO Mike Caine, Mr & Mrs Williams
Claudia kindly agreed to chair this meeting, Fran took the minutes.

Carole Manning read out a brief letter from PC Jo Bagg apologising for not being able to attend the meeting, but gave us the crime statistics for the last month: 1 stolen vehicle (for which an arrest had already been made), 1 case of property stolen from a vehicle, and 3 acts of vandalism). She also mentioned that they had received several reports from residents concerned about the Polish community drinking in the alleyway behind John of Gaunt School, sleeping rough in people’s gardens,* etc. (There is also the litter they leave behind them!). She advises that if people are squatting on your property, to let the District Council know. A working group is being set up to tackle these problems including a liaison officer from WWDC, the police support officers and a member of the Polish community. She invited the group to let her know if they had any problems in the community generally and Clive mentioned that when he is in his postal uniform, he gets a lot of verbal abuse from the young people at the Support Centre on Frome/Park Roads. Carole said she would let PCSO Mike Caine know. Carole then took her leave.
*Also take note that these issues are precisely the kind of thing that the Neighbourhood Tasking Group is to tackle. Sue Gibbs and Drew Thomas will be representing NARA at the next NTG meeting on 6th December – but all are welcome!
Claudia then went quickly through the minutes of the last meeting: there was an error in that Mr & Mrs Williams and Mary Carter had attended but were not mentioned. Otherwise the minutes were approved.
Rubbish & Bin Issues: Graham advised that staff from WWDC had had a walk down Newtown following the complaint about how many bins are left out on the pavements all week. Unfortunately, whilst they recognise the problem, there is little they can do about it. Mary said how dangerous the bins can be when they are blown over or even into the road. She puts her bins at the back of her house and believes there is plenty of room for other bins. Graham stated that there is not law about bin etiquette so noone can be forced to tidy the bins away. Claudia thanked Graham for checking it out.
With regard to the survey about green bin usage which WWDC and NARA undertook earlier in the year, it is likely the results will be incorporated into a town wide survey which took 5 months and which Graham had emailed NARA members about, including a link to a WWDC Review Statement. Which said little to nothing about how to mitigate the problems. There may – at some unspecified future date – be a few more “bring” sites. Graham had spoken to Laura Snoulton (WWDC Waste and Recycling manager), who had asked if NARA could ask the Club if they would be prepared to host a bring site. Sharon said that if she were the Club’s owners, she would be reluctant to do this, as the car park is a litter tip already and having a bring site would be likely to make matters worse. However, she felt there would be no harm in writing to the owner, Richard Gardener, about it, possibly just for an agreement in principle. FM to draft a letter
Street Signs needed to stop people turning into Westbourne Road or Park Street from Gloucester Road. Graham advised that he had spoken to the relevant people and they would be painting “Ahead Only” on the road itself, but that it would not be possible to put a sign on the lamppost due to a legal requirement to do with lighting the sign. It is hoped this will be done very soon and the person responsible for it at WWDC is Mark Stansby, Project Manager. Graham also spoke to Andy Cadwallader from WCC and has been told that the lines around the junction of Wesley & Park Roads will be repainted very soon. Claudia thanked Graham for his help in getting the above matters dealt with.
Newsletter – Mark had drafted a newsletter which the group looked at and approved. Fran asked whether it was possible to put it into column format as it looked more like newsprint, and Mark said he would re-format it. There was discussion about getting the newsletter printed (FM to action) and delivered –DT, MM, SD, CH, MC, JW, CB all volunteered to do deliveries and Fran will drop requisite number of newsletters to those people – many thanks to them.
Graham asked if we could identify 3 “hotspots” for litter. These are by JBM stores, near Newtown School and the (now used as carparking space) wasteground half way along Bond Street. We are to email these to him.
Mary said that she and Mr & Mrs Williams had gone to the Planning Department and checked out the plans for the development of flats on the corner of 79 Newtown. They have put in their objections.
Claudia then read out an email from Maryrose Mantle, TTC, inviting NARA to participate in the Community Spotlight and other town events next year. Fran said that she felt it was not worth it as efforts to “get out and meet the community” or get them more involved in NARA had not been successful. The group agreed.
AGM is to take place during the NARA meeting on the 22nd November. The Rev. Brydzinski will be attending to listen to our concerns about the local Polish community. (see above). This will take place during the 1st half of the evening, followed by the AGM itself.
The parish steward is able to do odd jobs around Newtown, but they have to be raised through the Town Council. Email Fran on fran.jason@btinternet.com with anything you think he could do.
Any other business: Trowbridge in Bloom 2008 - Fran said she had attended the 2007 prizegiving event and said that we were going to participate 2008. She has received some application forms from TTC and has undertaken to put these through the letterboxes of those whose gardens appear particularly cared for.
The meeting closed at. 9:00pm
NEXT MEETINGS: (all on Thursdays) 22 NOVEMBER 2007
13 DECEMBER 2007
24 JANUARY 2008
PCSOs TEL: 0845 408 7000: Email collegeandnewtownnpt@wiltshire.police.uk
Our Police and PCSO team are:
PC 2212 Jo Bagg
PCSO 6142 Mike Caine
PCSO 6163 Maria Badder
If you see anyone flytipping, contact Graeme Lawes on 01225 776655 or email on glawes@westwiltshire.gov.uk as soon as you can, so that the tipper may be caught and, given sufficient evidence, prosecuted.
Fran Markotic, NARA Secretary & nominal Chair 01225 710457 fran.jason@btinternet.com

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