Apologes for the order of the minutes, this is currently being edited.

Minutes of meeting December 2007



Attendance: Fran Markotic, Graham Hedley, Clive Blackmore, Mark McLauchlan, Drew Thomas, , Doug Chisholm, Mary Carter, Sarah Brook, Michael Hibbert

Apologies: Claudia & Justin Hodds, Sue Gibbs, PCSO Mike Caine, Maryrose Mantle

Due small attendance, FM chaired and took minutes. She welcomed the newcomers and suggested an agenda as follows:
Minutes from 28 October
Neighbourhood Tasking Group
Bring Site at Wesley Road Club (“WRC”)
Recycling Directory
Vandalism along Newtown

The minutes were read and there were no amendments.

MC mentioned that the development at 79 Newtown was going ahead.

GH summarised the Waste Review Proposals from WWDC and DC asked whether there would be a bring site in Newtown at some point in the future. GH said he believed so. In the meantime he had spoken with the owners of WRC and with the person in charge of bring sites at WWDC. There is agreement in principle for a cardboard and plastic bring site, but there is a problem with collecting these because FOCSA (employed by Hills) won’t drive their compression lorry into a car park. It would not be practical to put the recycling bins near the entrance due to the likelihood that people would flytip by the entrance, and not take proper care. Also, the Trustees of the Club will need to discuss this at their next meeting in January. The current recycling bin in the car park is for glass/bottles only and the public has use of this, albeit this is not widely known about. GH reminded everyone that at the mini bring sites, it was more important than ever to fold down and flatten any cardboard and to squash plastic bottles flat – in this case, it is OK to put the bottle tops back on to keep them flat.

Recycling Directories – FM had been contacted by Wiltshire Wildlife Trust who had offered her the opportunity to distribute these directories in Newtown. However, when she asked the members if this was a useful idea, it turned out that most people had already received this directory. FM will let the Trust know we do not need them after all.

Vandalism – SB talked about recent events along Newtown, when someone had been throwing recycling bins and stones into the middle of the road and bollards into people’s gardens. She also told how there was a lot of vandalism on cars – wing mirrors broken off, keying and slashed tyres. She has spoken to the PCSOs about these problems. She wondered if, in the next newsletter, it would be possible to request Newtown residents to use their garages at the back if they have them so that those without such a facility would have more availability for parking.

Neighbourhood Tasking Group – DT and SG had attended this meeting the night before and DT had raised the issue about only being able to report damage to one’s own car, but could not do so for his neighbour’s car, eg. He had not had a clear response from Jo Bagg about this. There have also been problems with the call centre 0845 number. FM advised that this issue had been raised at TCAF Community Safety meeting earlier in the evening and that the police are working on improving the situation. Apparently part of the problem is not the initial answering, but being put through to a relevant department and that this is where delays happen. GH reminded us that if an incident is happening in the moment, it is legitimate to call 999, particularly if things are being thrown into roads, as this constitutes a danger to motorists. Online reporting of incidents will be available in due course, but presently there are difficulties with this. GH also suggested we could email our PCSO to report vandalism (mike.caine@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk) and we should try this.

Other issues raised by DT at the Tasking Group were: - permitting 2way traffic on the small bit between Avenue Road and Gloucester Road. However, not well received, as would require a lot of planning. – School buses on Gloucester Road – Damage to vehicles – noisy scooters: apparently the law has changed and whereas before the police could stop a cyclists and speak directly to them about the noise, this is now done through MOT inspections.

Litter and new bins on Gloucester Road: GH had spoken to Clare Poulton (WWDC) who advised that English Landscapes were to look at this. They believe there is no justification for more. He had taken a photo to show the mess left by the footpath at end of Gloucester Road and believes that that bin will be replaced (the last one was set fire to). There is a square bin at junction of Gloucester and Westbourne Road as well which needs to be fixed up.

Any other business: DC raised the issue of satellite dishes being put onto buildings (e.g. 5 on Bond Street front of “Roses Bakery”) without planning permission which is required in a conservation area. He had spoken to the planning department who had said they would do what they could to get them taken down and suggest a distribution system which would then require only one dish. However, they did not believe they would be successful. DC asked why they could not just be removed, but GH believes that would not be legal, and letter have to be sent first. FM will write to object to them.

Visits to Police Call Centre FM advised that several dates in January and February were available for us to visit the 0845 Call Centre to see what goes on. These dates are: 17 January, 29th January (p.m.), 1st February (a.m.) 7th February (noon), 8th February (a.m.). Please contact Derek on 01225 764755 to book a place as these visits are not exclusive to NARA.

Newsletter SB suggested we mention in the next newsletter that people should put their bins away after collection so that there are fewer if any bins to throw into the road. Perhaps we could do a piece on crime/vandalism prevention. SB and MH also volunteered to do the next newsletter with articles on “use your own garage or let a neighbour use it”, “putting bins away”, and will also try to design the newsletter to encourage new members to attend meetings.

There being no other business, the formal part of the meeting was closed and members enjoyed mulled wine, mince pies and socialising.

NEXT MEETINGS 2008: (all on Thursdays) 24 JANUARY 21 FEBRUARY 19 MARCH

PCSOs TEL: 0845 408 7000: Email collegeandnewtownnpt@wiltshire.police.uk
Our Police and PCSO team are:
PC 2212 Jo Bagg
PCSO 6142 Mike Caine mike.caine@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk
PCSO 6163 Maria Badder

If you see anyone flytipping, contact Graeme Lawes on 01225 776655 or email on glawes@westwiltshire.gov.uk as soon as you can, so that the tipper may be caught and, given sufficient evidence, prosecuted.

For potholes and flooding problems in the roads: Call CLARENCE on 0800 23 23 23

Fran Markotic, Chair 01225 710457 fran.jason@btinternet.com

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