Apologes for the order of the minutes, this is currently being edited.

Minutes of meeting February 2008


HELD 21 February 2008 AT WESLEY ROAD CLUB AT 8:00PM

Attendance:, Claudia Hodds (Chair) , Fran Markotic (Minutes) Graham Hedley, Clive Blackmore, Drew Thomas, Mark McLaughlan, Lisa Etherton, Mary Carter, Bill & Hilda Williams, Brian Francis, Joe Thomas, PCSO Maria Badder

Apologies:, Sue Gibbs, Maryrose Mantle, Joan Whalen, Nicola Horrell, PC Jo Baggs

CH invited the meeting to read the minutes and approve - the minutes of last month’s meeting were read – there were no amendments. She then suggested an agenda and invited additions.

Local Crime: PCSO Maria Badder advised that there had been 2 stolen vehicles recovered from the Newtown area which had been towed away for scrap; 3 instances of criminal damage to cars had been reported. Gloucester Road is suffering from a spate of double parking, BW said he had seen this on Newtown as well; MB said she had been giving these cars tickets. MC said there had been a lot of trouble at 79 Newtown which is undergoing refurbishment – builders equipment had been stolen after a breakin there.

Double yellow lines: Wesley Road Club has applied for these to be redone around the entrance to their car park on Wesley Road to assist lorries getting in. GH believes it will be some time before this is done as there will have to be a review. He also noted that when illegal parking becomes decriminalised, WCC will have a warden who will scour the area and ticket those cars causing obstruction.

Dealer using local roads to sell his cars – CH had noted several cars parked in Frome Road and Waterworks Road with the same contact number and discovered this was a dealer. She had emailed GH who advised that Sgt Dave Cullop had been advised of this. (A similar situation a few years ago was resolved when the police advised the dealer to stop.) Hopefully this time it will also be resolved quickly.

42 Bond Street – FM explained that several members had shown up at the planning meeting at WWDC, but were unlucky in that this application was 7th on the list behind 3 other which had attracted large numbers of opposers who all spoke. Having attended at 6:30pm, by 10:00pm with 3 more ahead of us, we decided to leave. GH stayed and spoke about the parking problems in Bond Street, the extra vandalism that arises from having so many single people rather than families around. Happily the application (to convert family home to 2 flats) was turned down. However, the applicant may go to appeal so the issue is not over yet.

Neighbourhood Tasking Group – FM briefly explained that this was ideally a joint venture between community groups and the police with the groups taking the lead in deciding what issues were most important and taking some responsibility in sorting out problems. The next meeting is 5th March, 7:30pm at Trowbridge College. DT, SG and LE will attend on NARA’s behalf, and anyone else who may wish to attend is very welcome.

Spring Newsletter – unfortunately, the people who volunteered in December to do the next newsletter have not returned to a meeting so MM kindly agreed to do this again. Topics suggested were: the fact that there are no members from Avenue Rd, Westbourne Rd and West Street and to invite same; the need to put bins away once rubbish collection has been done and to encourage more personal responsibility for keeping the streets free of litter; Front Garden Fiesta with judging in late June, early July. FM asked that everyone try to arrange a prize (no more than £15-20). CH mentioned that it would be useful to put an item in about distraction burglaries as many old people in the area do read the newsletter. FM to check with MRM that Town Council can assist with making copies of the newsletter for distribution in April.

Designated Public Place Order – GH said this has now been agreed, though may not come into force quite yet.

Multiple Occupancy Dwellings (MODs) – GH said that Graham Hoggs of WWCC Housing Department is doing a survey of MODs and will start with 3 storey buildings before doing smaller units. GH is not sure why this is being done, but will (hopefully) show that high density dwellings engender more social problems and will also highlight the situation here in Newtown area. (Mr Hoggs only shows 7 MODs listed in Trowbridge !!!) Although GH is not sure why the survey is being done, it will assist us in the future should we wish to oppose any other developments to flats in the area.

Next meeting: FM confirmed this is WEDNESDAY 19th March as there is a big party on Thursday at the Club and all the rooms will be taken. She also gave her apologies for the next meeting as she will not be able to attend.

The meeting closed at 20:45

NEXT MEETINGS 2008: (all on Thursdays) 19 MARCH (Wednesday) 17 APRIL
22 MAY 19 JUNE 24 JULY

PCSOs TEL: 0845 408 7000: Email collegeandnewtownnpt@wiltshire.police.uk
Our Police and PCSO team are:
PC 2212 Jo Bagg jo.bagg@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk
PCSO 6142 Mike Caine mike.caine@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk
PCSO 6163 Maria Badder

For potholes and flooding problems in the roads: Call CLARENCE on 0800 23 23 23

Fran Markotic, Chair 01225 710457 fran.jason@btinternet.com

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