Apologes for the order of the minutes, this is currently being edited.

Minutes of meeting January 2008



Attendance:, Steve Cladingboel (chair) Graham Hedley, Clive Blackmore, Drew Thomas, Lisa Etherton, Sharon Draper, Mary Beer, Tania Lewis, Ken Lewis, PC Jo Bagg, Maryrose Mantle, Joan Whalen, Claudia Hodds (minutes).

Apologies: Fran Markotic, Sue Gibbs, Mark McLauchlan.

The minutes of last month’s meeting were read and Jo Bagg asked for the following correction:

Reporting of vandalism / any crime can only be done by contacting Wiltshire Police, either through their website or by ringing the call centre 0845 number. PCSOs cannot take reports of crimes.

Apart from this the minutes were approved.

Recycling Directories: Quite a few people expressed interest in these so CH will ask FM to bring some more along to the next meeting.

Car share information: Steve had received a large amount of information material – posters, leaflets, bookmarks – which CH will pass onto FM. If anybody is interested to display this at their work, club etc – please contact FM.

42 Bond St: Application for this address to be converted into flats. Once objections to a planning application have been raised it has to go to the committee. Jeff Osborne is sitting on the planning committee for this area. Sharon has written to object and will go to the District Planning Committee meeting on 31st January at 19.00. Others are considering to go: Lisa, Drew, Steve C. Everyone will get 3 minutes to speak and has to arrive between 18.30 and 19.00 and tell the steward that they will want to speak. Plan is to share out the different issues so everyone raises a different point.

Recycling: GH gave an update – he had been hoping that WWDC would give money for the bring sites, but they only have a 2% increase of precept in their budget and won’t spend more than this. Also, they will cease to exist next year so won’t bother  moving responsibility to Wiltshire Wast Partnership. GH advised that when the County Council takes over they have to deal with 4 different district councils, which will all be run-down by then. GH will vote against the above-mentioned budget as the cut means a cut in services.
Currently there are two 2 plastic bottle and cardboard sites in Trowbridge (College and Marsden Road). It’s still not sure whether we will get one at Wesley Road Club. Drivers of the compression trucks (for plastic bottle collection) refuse to drive into the car park and it seems that nobody can make them do it if they refuse.

Litter: There is now a man employed by the council who picks up litter in Newtown.

Designated Public Place Order (DPPO) zone to be introduced in and around town centre. People can drink in public but if they start to make a nuisance the police can take the alcohol off them. If they won’t cooperate, they can be arrested (at the moment, the police cannot take their alcohol off them). Jo Bagg tried to get Gloucester Rd included but at the moment the proposed area stops at Newtown and Frome Road (CH will give plan of proposed ared to FM – if anyone wants to see it, please contact Fran). The Town Council has approved this, last step is WWDC full council meeting next month, which is expected to approve. The DPPO will then be reviewed in August.

Flytipping: Graeme Lawes has left. Don’t try to contact him anymore. Gareth Banks is responsible for litter, Laura Snoulton for waste & recycling.

Dog poo: Lots of instances recently been spotted around Newtown. Somebody reported that someone saw two men (!) with their trousers down on the path behind John of Gaunts. Jo Bagg said that there had also been some excrement behind the JBM shop which was removed and the area disinfected.
In case it is dogs, though, GH has asked for “no dog fouling” signs to be put up.

Parking: Jo Bagg advised that WWDC pay the police to carry out parking enforcement days. A PC did one on the day of the meeting and issued warning tickets & parking tickets for £30.
In two years time WCC will the responsibility for enforcing parking laws – it will be a way for them to earn money. It is being considered to introduce residents’ parking scheme then. Attendees at the meeting expressed their opinion that this won’t help the situation, will just be a cost to the residents without any more parking space being created.

Distraction burglary: Just before Christmas in Waterworks Rd. The intruders pretended to be from the Water Board. Everyone should be careful and ask for ID.

Potholes and road hump: GH gave an update – county are slowly fixing these around the area, but they have now run out of money for next year, so no more work being carried out. Steve C. has complained to Clarence but nothing has happened. If this is the case: let GH know the details and he will try to chase.

NEXT MEETINGS 2008: (all on Thursdays) 21 FEBRUARY 19 MARCH 17 APRIL
22 MAY 19 JUNE 24 JULY

PCSOs TEL: 0845 408 7000: Email collegeandnewtownnpt@wiltshire.police.uk
Our Police and PCSO team are:
PC 2212 Jo Bagg jo.bagg@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk
PCSO 6142 Mike Caine mike.caine@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk
PCSO 6163 Maria Badder

For potholes and flooding problems in the roads: Call CLARENCE on 0800 23 23 23

Fran Markotic, Chair 01225 710457 fran.jason@btinternet.com

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