Apologes for the order of the minutes, this is currently being edited.

MINUTES 18 June 2008

Attendees: Fran Markotic (Chair), Mark McLauchlan (Secretary), Drew Thomas, Joe Thomas, Nicola Horrell, Lisa Etherton, Mary Carter, Joan & Eddy Smith, Sue Gibbs, Teresa Seymour, Sharon Draper, Michell Tierney, Nick Cottle, Mary Beer, Hilly Prendergast, Shanagh Prendergast, Stewart & Eunja Palmen, Josy Horsfall, Clive Blackmore (Cllr), Graham Hedley (Cllr), PC Jo Baggs

Apologies: Claudia Hodds (Treasurer), Justin Hodds, Maryrose Mantle (TTC), Emily Wood,

Community Spotlight 2008
To be held at Trowbridge Park on Saturday 28th June 2008. We share a spot in the marquee near the bandstand. Lisa said that she help Derek for an hour or so and Nicola said that she would help too. Ciana Prendergast has taken some photos of the good and bad points of Newtown and these will be displayed on a large wheel behind the stand with the photos of the other resisdents’ associations. Minutes of our meetings, newsletters and flyers for our carboot sale will be available for passers-by. Fran was to find out how large our segment of the wheel was so that Ciana would know how many pictures to prepare.

Car Boot Sale in Wesley Road Club carpark
Eddy Smith volunteered to don his high-vis tabard and man the gate as security all day. Joan Smith and Mary Beer said that they would flyer the cars in the carpark to ensure that they do not park there during the day. Sue Gibbs offered to do an end of sale carpark clean-up. Nicola and Lisa volunteered to collect the entry money and ask people to clear up after themselves. Nicola made sure that the event was recorded in the Wiltshire Times. 12.30pm set-up time, £3 entry. Proceeds to go towards buying prizes for the Front Garden Fiesta competition and other future events.

Front Garden Fiesta
Several people volunteered to be judges of their own roads. Fran suggested that we choose a maximum of 3 gardens per road, submit them to Fran by the 7th July and then Fran would switch the judges around, so that they then judge a different road, coming back with the best one from each road. Mark volunteered to be the final arbiter. We decided to try and keep the prizes relevant to the competition and buy garden centre vouchers.

Crime stats
Jo Bagg PC was present and was happy to report that there have been no burglaries this month. There has been a bit of car damage and graffiti and drug-dealing has been spotted in Wesley Road Car Park and is being dealt with by the police.
Jo asked for our newsletter to be emailed to her so that she can show it to Studley Green. They would be interested to see it and then create their own, so that they can include items about the bad dog-fouling problem that they have.
There is an ongoing problem with the Polish drinking in the alleyways near John of Gaunt school. The Polish Club owner has said that he will speak to them about it. The council has suggested that they might cut back the bushes along that path, so as to make it a less attractive loitering and drinking place.
Maria Badder PCSO is to tackle the problem of the abandoned trailer at 28 West Street.
Jeff Osborne is to address the problems with the damaged speed bumps on Gloucester Road and College Road.

August Newsletter 2008
Michelle said that she would like to do this. Items suggested for inclusion were the Front Garden Fiesta; Polite Parking – parking in such a way that you leave a sensible gap between you and other cars, thus allowing the maximum number of cars to be parked – maybe notices in the backs of our cars to encourage this? Sue mentioned about the large grass mound at the entrance to Henderson Close – this is already used for parking but it was put to Graham that this could be properly converted to a new parking area.
There was a decision to get the newsletter translated into Polish by someone called Sylvia and leave a few at Bond Street buildings and a stack at the Polish Club.

Blues ‘n’ Zuz
This is still doing well and the Snooker Club is to hold another one soon.

There is to be a football gala for kids in Studley Green on the 20th – 21st August.

Next meeting will take place on Thursday 24th July 2008.

Thereafter: 25 September 23 October (AGM) 20 November 18 December
22 January 2009

Email for PCSOs: collegeandnewtownnpt@wiltshire.police.uk Telephone: 0845 408 7000
Our Police and PCSO team are:
PC 2212 Jo Bagg
PCSO 6142 Mike Caine
PCSO 6163 Maria Badder

Fran Markotic is NARA Chair: 01225 710457 fran.jason@btinternet.com

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