Apologes for the order of the minutes, this is currently being edited.

Minutes of meeting of 20th September 2007

Attendance: Fran Markotic, Graham Headley, Clive Blackmore, Mark McLauchlan, Drew Thomas, Sue Gibbs, PCSO Mike Caine, Maryrose Mantle, Doug Chisholm, Sharon Draper, Colin Spanswick, Ann Cory, Mr & Mrs Pierce, Jo Longdon, Yvonne Powell.
Fran Markotic opened the meeting as Chair and introduced the Mayor of Trowbridge, Nick Blakemore. He made a short speech and handed out the prizes for the Newtown Area Front Garden Fiesta competition. These comprised vouchers from the Lock Inn CafĂ© in Bradford on Avon, Claire’s Deli in White Hart Yard, Cute-Icles and Top Cutz both in Waterworks Road, assorted gardening books and a delightful bonsai tree from Curious & Collectibles at Newtown/Stallard Street. A photographer was present from the Wiltshire Times and a photo should follow of the award-giving. Many thanks to all the prize donors mentioned above and also to JBM Stores for a bottle of wine, given as a prize in the West Wilts Show.
The West Wilts Show was very successful for all involved. At first washed out and boggy, the sunshine on Saturday soon dried out the site and improved the mood. There was an excellent turnout from the 5 towns and a good time was had by all. NARA’s own stall was really well positioned at the entrance to the Community Tent and with the various competitions arranged by Mark and Drew and improved upon by Nicola and Lisa, NARA made £38, half of which went to the Mayor’s charities and half to NARA. Our theme was Recycling and Fran and Mark and Drew dressed Monica with a brilliant outfit made from bits of rubbish (all cleaned beforehand), comprising a wig made from a shredded black plastic bottle, a skirt made from lager cans, a funky hat of Fran’s, and multiple flags depicting poems, the NARA logo, recycling tips, etc. Drew made a sturdy base for the mannequin and he and Mark dressed the stall on the Saturday. Many thanks go to Fran, Mark, Drew, Nicola and Lisa for manning the stall and drumming up business and questions.
The surveys on Rubbish and Recycling which NARA distributed in Newtown in early summer (ha!) could unfortunately not be assessed because Graeme Lawes had not obtained permission from his superior at the council for them to be distributed and then collated and analysed. This was very disappointing as much hard work had been put in by NARA to get this done.
The traffic lights on Bythesea Road have been fixed – hurrah!
Dropped kerbs – 21-21A Park Street – these are apparently legitimate – Graham checked with council planning. According to PCSO Mike Caine, white lines can be parked on, unless parking on them presents delivery problems or urgent access to property.
Wheelie bins on Newtown have been causing obstruction to pedestrians/wheelchair users. Idea proposed to leaflet the offenders to draw their attention to the obstruction and nuisance they are causing. Sharon and Fran to liaise on this. Translation into Polish to be done. Can District Council provide binbags as an alternative? Graham said that if brambles along Newtown are still causing problems, call Clarence. Apparently it can still take a while because the houseowners have to be given time to cut them down themselves, as otherwise Clarence would charge the houseowners for the work done.
PCSO Mike Caine gave a short explanation of the Neighbourhood Tasking Group, which is being set up between the police with Newtown and College Road. Several different organisations will attend and the aim is for the community with the help and support of the various organisations to try and resolve a problem within 12 weeks and then pass on to a new one. The next meeting is to be held on the 6th December at 7pm at Trowbridge College. Refreshments will be provided. Others attending will be Maryrose Mantle from the Town Council, someone from the District Council, Youth Workers, Police and PCSOs and representatives of the Residents’ Associations from Newtown and College Road. The top 3 issues will be discussed, including Speeding; Litter; Antisocial Behaviour; Car Problems etc. Further discussion at next meeting. Drew and Sue will attend for NARA this time round.
Fran attended the meeting of the Trowbridge Community Areas Future. It was a safety meeting and whilst talking about the Longfield Estate, one interesting topic raised was about the introduction of a Mosquito – a device which makes a high-pitched squealing noise, apparently audible only to teenagers which annoys them enough to move them on. This is due to be rolled out on the estate soon – results will hopefully be shared with us.
Street signs – people driving up Gloucester Road from Newtown have apparently been turning onto Park Street and Westbourne Road. The council have been alerted and hopefully are going to paint ‘Ahead Only’ halfway up Gloucester Road and put one sign on a lampost close to the roads concerned. Sue said that end of Gloucester Road should be made and signposted two-way (taking this to the Tasking Group).
Speed humps – Graham has spoken to the council and they will be changing the present ones to asphalt ones. However, this is going to be done countywide so it is going to take some time. Badly damaged, and therefore potentially dangerous ones, can be dealt with by Clarence.
Jeff Osbourn is the County Councillor for this ward.
AGM is to take place during the NARA meeting on the 22nd November. Fran is to speak to the Polish priest to see if he wants to attend – only because a lot of the Polish in the area attend his church and he will be able to translate our business to them. [[ He will attend in November - FM]]
The parish steward is able to do odd jobs around Newtown, but they have to be raised through the Town Council. Mary Rose suggested emailing Fran again to get the parish steward to get the jobs done.
Any other business: Sharon wondered if council would put planters/hanging baskets down Newtown. Mention was made of Trowbridge in Bloom – there will be a presentation at 7pm on the 16th October at the Civic Hall. Mary Rose said that NARA could take part next year in the residential category. Fran to contact them to arrange.
Mary Carter said that a house at the end of Newtown was going to be made into flats and that she and her neighbours wanted to object. Fran said to get the details and number from the advertised planning notice and write to the District Council Planning department. Mary and her neighbours said that they would do so and try and get their other neighbours to do likewise.
The meeting closed at approx. 9:00pm
NEXT MEETINGS: (all on Thursdays) 25 OCTOBER 2007
22 NOVEMBER 2007
13 DECEMBER 2007
24 JANUARY 2008
PCSOs TEL: 0845 408 7000: Email collegeandnewtownnpt@wiltshire.police.uk
Our Police and PCSO team are:
PC 2212 Jo Bagg
PCSO 6142 Mike Caine
PCSO 6163 Maria Badder
If you see anyone flytipping, contact Graeme Lawes on 01225 776655 or email on glawes@westwiltshire.gov.uk as soon as you can, so that the tipper may be caught and, given sufficient evidence, prosecuted.
Fran Markotic, NARA Secretary & nominal Chair 01225 710457 fran.jason@btinternet.com

1 comment:

Camilla Timms said...

Hello, my name is Camilla and I work for the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust in the Waste Minimisation Team. I have been told about the Newtown Area Residents' Association and your blog by a colleague, Sara Cundy, who lives in the Newtown Area. I hope you don't mind me contacting you!

Myself and volunteers from Trowbridge produced a recycling directory for your area a year ago to hand out to householders for free. They are really useful A-Z guides about reducing, reusing and recycling items.

We still have many to give out and I wondered if they could be useful? Sara has kindly said that she will help to distribute as will I if you can find a few other volunteers.

I do hope you think this is a good idea as they are being wasted in our Devizes office!

Best Wishes, Camilla

Newtown School

Newtown School
From Little Acorns Grow Mighty Oak